Saturday October 3, 2015

1. Welcome and roll call: Dan Yeomans President of the NRCC welcomed all in attendance for the annual general meeting. Dan advised all in attendance that in order to vote on matters one must be the recognized delegate of a member club in good standing of the NRCC.

Bill Kennedy  Eastern Ontario Retriever Club

Jim Ling  Pine Ridge Retriever Club

Garth Clark  Long Point Retriever Training Club

Dan Yeomans  Moncton Retriever Club, Sunpoke Hunting Retriever Club

Bruce Macdonald  Wild Rose Retriever Club, Manitoba Gun Dog Association, Delta Marsh Retriever Club, Brandon Retriever Club, Rocky Mountain Sporting Dog Club, Winnipeg Retriever Club

Dona Martin  Ottawa Retriever Club

Richard Dresser  Northern Ontario Retriever Association,York Retriever Club

Connie Swanson  South Western Ontario Retriever Training Club

Shirley Greener  Labrador Retriever Club of Central Ontario

Rosanne Kopczewski  Labrador Owners Club

Al Custers  Niagara Peninsula Retriever Training Club

2. Agenda

Motion: Bruce Macdonald moved that the Agenda be approved Seconded by Connie Swanson. Motion carried.

3. Minutes of the AGM from Strathmore, Sept. 2014

Motion: Bruce Macdonald moved to approve the minutes from the AGM of 2014 held at Strathmore. Seconded by Connie Swanson. Motion carried

4. Business arising from the minutes.

a. By Law Update - The National Retriever Club of Canada Incorporation papers were filled with Corporations Canada. The By-Laws, Directors of the Corporation, and the Annual Report for 2014 have been submitted. Motion: Richard Dresser motioned to change the By-Laws for clubs hosting a field trial from 3 to 5 years before becoming ineligible to be a voting member.. Seconded by Shirley Greener. Motion carried. NRCC Secretary to prepare online vote for members.

5. December 2014 Financial Statements, 2015 Cash Flow to Date, 2016 Cash Flow Projection (Mailed out member clubs prior to meeting)

The Financial Statements were presented on behalf of Treasurer Mark Laberge. There were no questions from the floor.

Motion: Richard Dresser motioned that the Financial Statements be approved. Seconded by Jim Ling. Motion carried.

6. Correspondence :

a. E-collar ban - In response to the Private Member's Bill proposing to include the use of electronic collars a criminal offense under the Cruelty to Animals provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada. (Bill C 615), a letter was sent to all member clubs with suggested information to be included in correspondence.

b. E-collar ban - Dona Martin reported that the NRCC sent a letter to the Canadian Veterinary Association explaining the humane use of e-collars and outlining our support of their use. Dona has been asked to follow-up with veterinarian and active member of the field trial community, Dr. Sue Taylor DVM.

7. Reports

a. 2015 National Amateur - Discussion by those in attendance indicated the event was excellent and commended the host club, the Manitoba Gun Dog Association.

b. 2015 National Report - Greg MacInnis, Field Trial Marshal reported to the Board of Directors that setup was running smoothly. No major problems.

Field Trial Committee

  • Chair, Chief Marshal - Greg MacInnis
  • FT Chair, Dave Thompson
  • Western Zone - Jim Ling
  • Eastern Zone - Dan Yeomans
  • Central Zone - Chris Mason

c. Set fee schedule for 2016 club dues, running dog fee and national entry fees. No change to current fee structure. $75 annual club dues, running dog fees $275 with $150 to host club and $125 to NRCC

d. 2016 Judge Selection

National Amateur:

  • Central Zone - Charlie Ross
  • Eastern Zone - Gary Mason
  • Western Zone - Debby Montgomery


  • Southern Ontario Zone - Jim Green
  • Eastern Zone - Gerry Burmaster
  • Western Zone - Graham Tyler

e. Retriever Results - Jim Ling presented an update to the Retriever Results project. We continue to experience accuracy issues which have delayed the Newsletter portion of the RR project, although dog profiles are already available on the Retriever Results website. Retriever Results would like the owner to have direct input into their dog information in the database. They are proposing to open the database to Field Trial Secretaries to use in their catalogues, which would make the statistician job redundant. There would be a one time start-up fee of $3,000 and an annual cost of $1,000. Motion: Rosanne Kopczewski motioned that the NRCC send a letter to member clubs seeking approval for the NRCC to proceed with Retriever Results one time setup fee to create a Canadian database for Field Trial Secretaries to use for their catalogues. Each club would be asked to pay $100 to finance this. Seconded: Bill Kennedy. Motion carried.

f. Task Force Implementation Report - On hold until the next Board of Directors Meeting. Chair, Kevin Cheff resigned, member Tom Dalton resigned. A few recommendations have been implemented. Western member have prepared a Best Practices Manual which shall be published shortly.

g. Sponsors Report - Bruce Macdonald, Corporate Sponsor Liaison, presented the report on the Corporate Sponsorship Program. Purina's contract ends in December 2015. A new contract is needed. Zinger Winger is good for 2016. Avery is good for another year. A process to bring their donated goods across the border is needed. Garmin has signed for 2016. MNP LLP will not be renewing their contract. Connie Swanson has agreed to continue to provide portraits of the winners of the National and National Amateur. We have a reduced contribution from Winchester Ammunition. DU Canada will continue to provide finalist gifts with a year to year agreement. There is a problem with host clubs not inviting sponsors to banquet and events through the wee. A process to ensure this is done, is needed. Clubs need to remember to place sponsor ads in catalogues.

h. Policies and Procedures Implementation Report - Bruce Macdonald and Connie Swanson will continue on the committee. Lee Woodhouse and Kevin Cheff have resigned. Need a new Chair.

i. Feasibility Report - Jane Spearing submitted the findings from the Committee tasked with reviewing the feasibility of the NRCC hosting a national. The committee report it is feasible for the NRCC to host a national given the right people and attitude. This would ensure that a National takes place and provide a fund raising vehicle for the NRCC.

8. No clubs have come forward to host the 2016 National Amateur at this time. However, we are hopeful that a club will come forward shortly.

9. Set dates and locations for the:

  • 2016 National Amateur not currently available
  • 2016 National September 18-24, 2013, Saskatoon, SK

10. Recognize retiring directors:

  • British Columbia  Jim Swanson
  • Alberta  Ron Bischke
  • Saskatchewan  Alan Parkinson
  • Manitoba  Larry Baker
  • Southern Ontario  Jim Ling
  • Northern Ontario  Kevin Cheff, Lee Woodhouse

11. Newly elected directors:

  • British Columbia  Dave Douglas
  • Alberta   Daniel Danforth
  • Manitoba  Charlie Ross
  • Southern Ontario  Jim Ling
  • Northern Ontario  Jim Andrew
  • New Brunswick  Dan Yeomans

12. New Business

a. History of the sport. Richard Dresser has boxes of old catalogues in his barn. Dona martin to identify missing years to complete NRCC records. NRCC to seek volunteers to act as historians and ask for donations from individual that may have items in storage. Rosanne Kopczewski to seek volunteered to approach Purina regarding use of their Hall of Fame.

b. Motion by Connie Swanson to skip Auditor for 2015. The Financial statements are prepared by a public accounting firm. Seconded by Gary Mason. Motion carried.

13. Adjournment

Motion by Dan Yeomans to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Dona Martin. Motion carried. Dona Martin recorded the minutes.