1. Welcome and roll call: Welcome and roll call: Jim Ling, President of the NRCC welcomed all in attendance for the annual general meeting. Jim advised all in attendance that in order to vote on matters one must be the recognized delegate/proxy of a member club in good standing of the NRCC.
Motion: Connie Swanson moved that the Agenda be approved Seconded by Richard Dresser. Motion carried.
3. Minutes of the AGM from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on September 17, 2016
Motion: Connie Swanson moved to approve the minutes from the AGM of 2016 held at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Seconded by Jim Andrew. Motion carried
4. Business arising from the minutes.
a. Discussion of survey results on Future of National Amateur Championship. Jim Ling started the discussion with a brief introduction on the beginnings of the survey from ad hoc discussions at field trials to a formal online survey. Richard Dresser expressed his concerns that the survey was initially concerned with National Amateur funding, how the recommendations from the survey came about, and who approves the recommendations. Jim Ling clarified that the NRCC Board of Directors approved the recommendation.
5. 2016 Financial Statements, 2017 Cash Flow
The Financial Statements were presented on behalf of Treasurer Mark Laberge. There was a mix up on the year of the Financial Statements presented. Secretary, Dona Martin subsequently sent out the correct version of the 2016 Financial Statements that were approved via email. .
a. 2017 National Amateur - Dona Martin reported that the host clubs (BC Amateur Field Trial Club, BC Labrador Retriever Club, and the Fraser Valley Retriever Training Club) and the judges put on a great 2017 National Amateur. Everyone felt welcome at the various venues. The tests were challenging and fair and the judges were generous with their callbacks.
b. 2017 National Report - Greg MacInnis, Field Trial Marshal reported to the Board of Directors that setup was going well with no major problems.
c. Set fee schedule for 2017 club dues, running dog fee and national entry fees. Fee Schedule for 2018 ($5.00 surcharge to member clubs for every dog that competes in each All Aged Stake that they hold. Funds collected will be submitted to the NRCC and 100% will go directly to clubs hosting the National and National Amateur. Fees for National Entry, and Memberships remain unchanged). Discussion surrounding the $5.00 fee. Clubs choosing not to collect the $5.00 surcharge on behalf of the NRCC should notify entrants, in their Premium List, that dogs placing in their events will not be qualified to run the National Amateur or the National.
f. Sponsors Report - Bruce Macdonald, Corporate Sponsor Liaison, presented the report on the Corporate Sponsorship Program. Bruce will be stepping down as Corporate Sponsor Liaison at the end of 2017. Mike Zelman will be Bruce Macdonald's replacement.
8. Recognize retiring directors:
9. Nominations for 2018 Executive:
No nominations received from the floor. Executive to be voted on at the first Directors meeting following the Annual General Meeting.
a. Motion by Dan Yeomans to skip Auditor for 2017. The Financial statements are prepared by a public accounting firm. Seconded by Shirley Greener. Motion carried.
Motion by Connie Swanson to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Jim Ling. Motion carried. Dona Martin recorded the minutes.