1.0 Communicate Field Trial Events to the NRCC

Use the Field Trial Event Information form to submit new events and subsequent changes.

Submit Field Trial Event Information

This form must include:

Club Name
FT Location
Dates and which stakes to be held on each day
FT Secretary name and email address

This information is used to create the Field Trial (FT) Schedule and populate the Results Reporting System on NRCC website.

Questions can be directed to

2.0 Event Date Application Trials & Tests No-151-12-50 [download form]

Submit an Event Date Application to the CKC 180 days prior to the event. Upon approval, you will receive a CKC Event(s) Approval Letter with CKC assigned Event Application Numbers.

Note: Event Numbers are required when completing the Statement of Event Fees form at the conclusion of the field trial.

Note: even if your club has approved Priority Dates, you must complete an Event Date Application for each event.

3.0 Judging Panel Application Specialty Confirmation Shows, Trials Or Tests-Form No-152-10-73 [download form]

Submit a Judging Panel Application to the CKC 120 days prior to the event. Upon approval, you will receive a CKC Judging Panel Approval Letter.

4.0 Judges Confirmation Letters

When you have received Judges approval, send a copy of the CKC Judging Panel Approval Letter to each judge, confirming their judging assignment.


5.0 Premium List

A premium list must be published by all clubs holding Retriever Field Trials under the CKC Retriever Field Trial Rules and Regulations.  When a club has been granted permission to hold a trial, and has received approval of its selected judges, a premium list must be prepared and made available, along with entry forms*, to prospective entrants.

5.1 Premium List Preparation

CKC Retriever Field Trial Rules and Regulations – Section 4.1 Premium List

Premium list and entry forms shall be such size, in such form and contain such information as prescribed by the CKC. The following information must be listed on the cover (or first inside page, excluding the inside cover) of the premium list:

  1. The words “Official Premium List”
  2. The name of the club or organization holding the event
  3. Type of event being held
  4. Dates of the events and starting times
  5. Date and closing time for entries. No entries may be accepted, altered, cancelled or substituted after the official closing date and time for entries except as provided for in these rules
  6. A statement setting forth the time, date and exact place at which draw will take place

The following information must appear in a premium list:

  1. Exact location of the event (may include a map showing the location of the site
  2. The statement “These events held under the rules of The Canadian Kennel Club”
  3. A list of the club officers (address may be given if desired)
  4. A list of the Field Trial Committee including the Field Trial Chairman
  5. The address and phone number of where entries are to be sent (if different from the Event Secretary)
  6. A statement as to where entries are to be sent
  7. A listing of the judges and their mailing address
  8. A complete list of the judge’s assignments broken down for each day
  9. A list of awards and prizes (if offered)
  10. The amount of entry fee for each stake
  11. The name of the Chief Executive Officer of The Canadian Kennel Club and the address of the Head Office
  12. The name, address and telephone number of the CKC Board Member and the CKC Retriever Council Representative for the zone in which the trial will be held
  13. A statement as to the stake or stakes that will be provided
  14. A statement as to how the running order will be decided
  15. Such other general information as the trial-giving club deems advisable. Where such additional information is in the form of a rule governing the trial, care should be taken to ensure that the rule does not contravene any CKC field trial rule or regulation
  16. The statement “A listing fee as established by The Canadian Kennel Club must accompany the entry of a dog for which a Canadian Kennel Club individual registration number or Event Registration Number (ERN) is not shown on the entry form
  17. Type of game to be used in each stake
  18. At least one copy of an official entry form with the CKC logo*
  19. A statement to include the wording of section regarding indignities

At the time of distribution to prospective entrants, copies of the premium list must be sent to The Canadian Kennel Club and one copy each to the Retriever Representative and Board Member representing the zone in which the trial is to be held.

Clubs are free to include other rules and regulations as they deem necessary. However, if other rules are included, they become part of the premium list and will be enforced.

The trial secretary shall assume the responsibility of collecting all listing fees for the CKC, which shall be stated in the premium list.

5.2 Premium Lists to Prospective Entrants

Post premium list for your club’s Field Trial on the EVENT INFORMATION page on  Email the premium list document to

*The CKC Retriever Field Trial Rules and Regulations and Retriever Field Trial Official Entry Form are automatically populated on all Retriever Field Trial Events on


6.0 Processing Entries

Enter entries into the NRCC Results Reporting System on NRCC website.  Refer to NRCC Results Reporting System How To document.  The NRCC Results Reporting System is for Field Trials only (not Hunt Tests or Working Certificate Tests).

The NRCC is partnered with Retriever Results who maintains a database of Canadian (CKC) and US (AKC) Retriever Field Trial data.  The NRCC Results Reporting System on NRCC website is linked to Retriever Results where current year results are compiled and National Qualifiers tracked.

CKC new dog registration numbering system. With the exception of dogs registered as Canadian born, all dogs registered after November 1, 2019 will receive a 12-character registration number. This number will include a prefix consisting of a two-letter abbreviation of the registration type, a hyphen, and the standard 9-character registration number (two letters followed by 7 digits). The new 12-character registration number only affects dogs registered after November 1, 2019. Note: Dog’s registered as Canadian Born Dogs WILL NOT have a two-letter abbreviation or hyphen in their registration number. Canadian Born Dog Registration numbers will remain as previously issued.

7.0 At Closing of Entries

The NRCC Results Reporting System has the capabilities to generate Running Orders, Catalogues and Callback Sheets.  Refer to NRCC Results Reporting System How To document.

FT Secretaries are not required to use to the NRCC Results Reporting System to create running orders, catalogues and callback sheets, but the option is available for your convenience.

7.1 Create Running Order (the Draw)

CKC Retriever Field Trial Rules and Regulations – Section 6.6.1

In stakes for retrievers, the order of running shall be decided by lot at the draw. Dogs handled by the same person should be separated when possible and care should be taken to minimize the possibility of the same dog running first in consecutive trials on the same weekend by ensuring they have different numbers each day.

7.2 Post the Running Order

CKC Retriever Field Trial Rules and Regulations – Section 6.6.2

The running order (the Draw) must be made and published (made public) prior to the date of the TSX closing number to determine the starting dog as per Section 6.6.3. Clubs holding the trial may not accept entries after the publishing of the running order.

Post Running Order for your club’s Field Trial on the EVENT INFORMATION page on  Email the premium list document to

7.3 Create a Catalogue

CKC Retriever Field Trial Rules and Regulations – Section 4.2 Catalogue

An official catalogue must be provided for all approved field trials. The official catalogue must be printed or typed.

The following information must be listed on the outside front cover or the first page of the catalogue:

  1. Name of the club or association holding the trial
  2. The dates of the trial
  3. The statement “This event held under the rules of The Canadian Kennel Club”
  4. Exact location of the trial
  5. List of the Field Trial Committee including the Field Trial Chairman
  6. Name, email address and phone number of the Field Trial Secretary
  7. A complete list of the judges and their email address
  8. A listing of each judge’s assignments for each day

The information in the catalogue on each dog must be in the following order:

  1. Catalogue number of the dog
  2. Registered name of the dog (in capital letters only)
  3. Canadian Kennel Club registration number
  4. Date of birth
  5. Name of breeder
  6. Registered name of sire
  7. Registered name of dam
  8. Place of birth
  9. Name of owners
  10. Email address of owners
  11. Agent (if applicable)

Catalogues must show all the information about competing dogs that is called for in the entry forms.

The name and email address of The Canadian Kennel Club, and the name, address and telephone number of the CKC Board Member and the CKC Retriever

Representative for the zone in which the trial is to be held must appear on every catalogue or running list.

Where a trial giving club does not publish a catalogue, it may substitute a typewritten list supplying the information indicated above.

As part of the NRCC’s obligation to its Sponsors, the catalogues must contain the NRCC  sponsors listed.  Sponsor page insert.

7.4 Determine and Post Starting Dog Number

CKC Retriever Field Trial Rules and Regulations – Section 6.6.3.

In a stake carrying championship points the starting dog in the first series will be determined by using the last two digits at closing of the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE) S&P/TSX composite index two days prior to the first day of the trial, or if the TSX is closed that day, the first day prior to that when the TSX is open,

  1. The starting dog will be the dog assigned the number in the draw that corresponds to the last two digits (including digits, if any to the right of the decimal point) of the closing S&P/ TSX composite index (the TSX number) two days prior to the first day of the trial, or if the TSX is closed that day, the first day prior to that when the TSX is open.
  2. If the TSX number is 00, the dog given number 1 in the draw shall be the starting dog for the first series.
  3. If the TSX number is greater than the number of dogs entered in the stake, the number of dogs entered in the stake will be subtracted from the TSX number and the resulting number (the Second TSX number) will determine the starting dog for the first series. The starting dog will be the dog assigned that Second TSX number in the draw.
  4. If the Second TSX number is still greater than the number of dogs entered in the stake the number of dogs entered in the stake will be subtracted from the Second TSX number. This subtraction process will be repeated as many times as is necessary until the number 19 resulting from this subtraction corresponds with a number given in the draw to an entered dog. That dog will start the first series.
  5. Notice shall be published in the Premium list and in the Trial Program that the starting dog in the first series of the All-Age stakes will be determined by using the last two digits (including digits, if any to the right of the decimal point) of the closing S&P/TSX composite index (the TSX number) along with the actual closing date to be used.

Post Starting Dog # for your club’s Field Trial on the EVENT INFORMATION page on  Email the Starting Dog # document to

7.5 Create Callback Sheets

8.0 Form Required at the Field Trial

Field Trial Placement Report-Form No-151-13-70

CKC Retriever Field Trial Rules and Regulations

Official Complaint Form Filed directly with CKC

Procedure For Filing A Formal Complaint with Club Superintendent At Event

Procedure For Filing A Protest Against A Dog

Performance Event Disqualification Form- Form No-150-00-72 

Retriever Field Trial Official Entry Forms

CKC Membership Application

Non-Member Participation Fee Form-Form No-150-00-50

Non CKC Members who are Canadian, running a wholly owned dog, cannot be awarded a placement unless they pay a Non-Member Participation Fee to the CKC


9.0 Enter Results in the NRCC Results Reporting System within 3 days

Within 2 days of the conclusion of the field trial (6 pm Tuesday), enter results on NRCC Results Reporting System on NRCC website. Refer to NRCC Results Reporting System How To document.

These results are used to post trial results on the NRCC website, compile National Qualifiers lists, confirm entry eligibility, generate email and mailing lists so qualifiers can receive National information packages, and compile completion statistics for all dogs entered in Field Trials, to determine Top Dogs and Handlers in Canada for each year.

Note: update handler if differ from entry form.

Once entered, notify by email

Important: Dogs placing in Field Trials held by clubs that have not paid their dues, will not be able to use those placings to qualify to compete in the National Retriever Championship Stake.

10.0 Mail to CKC within 21 days:

Note:  Event Application Number found on the CKC Event Approval letter.

Note:  Use current year Statement of Event Fees form, fees change annually

  • Payment of event fees (cheque)
  • All entry forms
  • 1 marked (label placements, RCM, CM, Scratches, Absent beside dog name) and 1 unmarked catalogue

11.0 Send All Age Fees to NRCC

Complete the online Running Dog Fee Form. Pay All-Age Running Dog Fees by E-transfer to or mail cheque payable to National Retriever Club of Canada or NRCC and mail to National Retriever Club of Canada 3 Schooner Landing Head of Jeddore NS B0J 1P0

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