Club Policies & Procedures
Guidelines Process Cycle
To document the details of processes which the National Retriever Club of Canada (NRCC) follows in running day to day business activities. These processes will be in compliance with the current NRCC Bylaws. These are guidelines only for the benefit of the Board of Directors and clubs to be able to operate and put on field trials in a consistent manner across the country. There may be other ways to do the same task but we will document what we consider the best practice.
*These procedures are subject to review and will be updated during 2023
- Document all NRCC activities.
- Detail in a step-by-step process, each activity that the NRCC is involved with.
- Ensure that the processes for each activity are complimentary to the current NRCC Bylaws.
- Establish an additional process that keeps the Bylaws and the Procedures current.
- The Guidelines and Bylaws will be approved by the Board of Directors on an ongoing basis and annually by the members at the Annual Members Meeting (AMM).
- Establish a committee to develop and maintain the Policy and Procedures and Guidelines. Should be a minimum of 3 members plus President and Secretary in a supporting role. Members do not have to be on Board of Directors but should represent clubs from all parts of the country.
- Identify all processes that must have a step-by-step detail. Review of Bylaws and knowledge of what we need to do to function consistently
- Prioritize processes
- Assign responsibility or owner for each process.
- Develop step by step processes or role descriptions
- As completed circulate to other committee members for comment and input.
- Edit process or role descriptions reflecting input from others.
- Quarterly conference to finalize each process completed.
- Submit completed processes to Board of Directors for review and /or endorsement.
- Publish completed processes on Web Page.
Roles and Responsibilities
Term: As per section 7.01 of the bylaws "The Board shall at the first meeting of directors following each annual meeting of members, or more often as may be required, elect a President …" . The bylaws do not stipulate a term. Subsequent terms are acceptable as determined by the Board of Directors.
Time Commitment: Variable from a few hours per week to several hours per week to no hours per week
- The President is accountable to the Board of Directors of the National Retriever Club of Canada and all of its members in all zones in Canada.
- The President is the leader of NRCC, responsible for running the Board smoothly and effectively.
- The President's duties include maintaining strong communication with the Board, formulating NRCC strategy, representing Board and the organization to the members and the general public and maintaining operating integrity.
Authority: The President will act in accordance with the By-Laws of the NRCC and with the policies as established by the NRCC.
Personal Characteristics to Consider:
- Ability to listen, analyze, think clearly, work well with people individually and in a group and to "seek first to understand before you are understood" when confronted with differing views.
- Willing to prepare for and attend Board and committee meetings, ask questions, take responsibility and follow through on any given task or assignment.
- Possess: honesty, sensitivity to and tolerance of differing views, friendly responsive approach, personal integrity and a sense of humour
- Responsibilities:
- Serve as a spokesperson for the NRCC.
- Work as a team member and support Board decisions.
- Preside at all meetings of members, the Board and the Executive
- Maintain knowledge of the organization and personal commitment to its goals and objectives.
- Exercise general supervision over all NRCC activities in accordance with By-Laws and policies determined by the Board.
- Serve as member ex-officio of all committees.
- Appoint all committee chairs and endorse all endorse all committee members.
- Provide direction to the Secretary, in preparing the agenda for Board members.
- Work with the Nominating committee to recruit new Board members and members of the executive.
- Provide approval for all Role Descriptions and written feedback to paid positions of the NRCC i.e. Secretary, Treasurer, Communications, Statistician.
- Directly manage the Major sponsor of the NRCC (Purina)
Term: Elected by the Board of Directors at the first Board of Directors meeting following the National Meeting. May be elected for a further term.
Time Commitment: Variable from a few hours per week to several hours per week to no hours per week
- The Vice-President is accountable to the Board of Directors of the National Retriever Club of Canada and all of its members in all zones in Canada.
- The Vice-President supports the President, taking assigned tasks and serving in place of the President when he or she is not available to conduct official business
- An effective Vice President will not only learn as much as possible about each committee's goals and projects but may chair specific committees as assigned by the President or the Board of Directors
Authority: The Vice President will act in accordance with the By-Laws of the NRCC and wit the policies as established by the NRCC.
Personal Characteristics to Consider
- Ability to listen, analyze, think clearly, work well with people individually and in a group and to "seek first to understand before you are understood" when confronted with differing views.
- Willing to prepare for and attend Board and committee meetings, ask questions, take responsibility, and follow through on any given task or assignment.
- Possess: honesty, sensitivity to and tolerance of differing views, friendly responsive approach, personal integrity and a sense of humour
- Support the President in managing the Executive and the Board of Directors
- Is a member of the Executive Committee
- Work as a team member and support Board decisions.
- Chair the Finance Committee to oversee the development of an annual budget and submit to the Board of Directors for approval.
- Preside at meetings of members, the Board of Directors and the Executive when sked to do so by the President
- Maintain knowledge of the organization and personal commitment to its goals and objectives.
- Exercise general supervision over all NRCC activities in accordance with By-Laws and policies determined by the Board.
- Serve as member of specific committees as assigned.
- Work with the Nominating committee to recruit new Board members and members of the executive.
- Provide input to the President for all Role Descriptions and written feedback to paid positions of the NRCC i.e. Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Officer.
Term: Three years. Elected as per By-laws. Clubs nominate a director using the Nomination of a Director form
Time Commitment: Variable from a few hours per week to several hours per week to no hours per week
- The Board of Directors are collectively accountable to The National Retriever Club of Canada members in all zones in Canada. They are accountable for NRCC's performance in relation to its Mission and Strategic Objectives and for the effective stewardship of Financial and human resources.
- Individually each director is accountable to NRCC Members in the zone in which they were elected. They are to be a communication link from the members in their zone to the NRCC Board and ensure their member concerns and/or ideas are addressed.
- Authority: Individual Board members have no authority to approve actions by the NRCC, to direct staff or to speak on behalf of the NRCC unless given such authority by the Board.
Personal Characteristics to Consider
- Ability to listen, analyze, think clearly, work well with people individually and in a group and to "seek first to understand before you are understood" when confronted with differing views.
- Willing to prepare for and attend Board and committee meetings, ask questions, take responsibility and follow through on any given task or assignment.
- Possess: honesty, sensitivity to and tolerance of differing views, friendly responsive approach, personal integrity and a sense of humour.
- Attend or participate in all Board and committee meetings.
- Work as a team member and support Board decisions.
- Review agenda and supporting materials prior to a Board and Committee meetings
- Make a serious commitment to actively participate on committees, task forces and offer to take on special assignments.
- Volunteer for and willingly accept assignments and complete them thoroughly and on time for NRCC and its members.
- Abide by By-laws and other policies that apply to the Board.
- Attend and participate in the Annual General Meeting if at all possible.
- Be responsive to NRCC zone members.
- Educate NRCC members about the role of the NRCC and encourage their participation on committees and task forces.
- The Board may by resolution appoint and constitute committees as it deems necessary which may but not need include members of the Board. Until otherwise provided, the President shall be ex officio of all committees. All committees created by the Board shall be given written terms of reference. Any committee member may be removed by resolution of the Board;
- The directors shall have the power to authorize expenditures on behalf of the corporation from time to time and may delegate by resolution to an officer or officers of the corporation the right to employ and pay salaries to employees. The directors shall have the power to make expenditures for the purpose of furthering the objectives of the corporation.
- The Board shall take such steps as they may deem requisite to enable the corporation to receive donations and benefits for the purpose of furthering objectives of the corporation.
- The directors may exercise all such powers of the corporation, which are found in the Not For Profit Act or by these by-laws required to be exercised by the members at general meeting.
Term: Appointed for 1 year term by the Board of Directors at the first Board of Directors meeting following the AMM. May be appointed for a further subsequent term as the Board of Directors determines
Time Commitment: Variable from several hours to no hours per week
Accountability: The Secretary is accountable to the Board of Directors of the National Retriever Club of Canada and all of its members in all zones in Canada.
Authority: Has no authority to approve actions by the NRCC, to direct staff or to speak on behalf of the NRCC unless given such authority by the Board.
Personal Characteristics to Consider
- Ability to listen, analyze, think clearly, work well with people individually and in a group and to "seek first to understand before you are understood" when confronted with differing views.
- Willing to prepare for and attend Board and committee meetings, ask questions, take responsibility and follow through on any given task or assignment.
- Possess: honesty, sensitivity to and tolerance of differing views, friendly responsive approach, personal integrity and a sense of humour.
- Has good listening and word processing skills
- Provide the coordinating and communication link between members, the Board of Directors and outside agencies.
- Act as an information and reference point for the President and other committee members, clarifying past practices and decisions, confirming legal requirements and filing and retrieving relevant documentation.
- Participate as a member of the executive committee
- Maintain knowledge of the organization and personal commitment to its goals and objectives.
- Maintain all Board of Directors records and ensure their accuracy and safety
- Prepare and review minutes of meetings of members, the Board of Directors and the executive
- Receive all correspondence and reports of committee members.
- Provide notice of meetings of members and the Board of Directors
- Be the custodian of the Corporation's corporate seal and all its documents
- Meet the reporting obligations under the Canada Not-For-Profit Corporations Act.
Term: Appointed by Directors for 3 year term at first meeting following the AMM and can be renewed
Time Commitment: Ranges from a couple of hours per week to couple of hours per month
Accountability: To the Board of Directors
Authority: In Accordance with the By-laws and Policies
Personal Characteristics to Consider
- Ability to listen, analyze, think clearly, work well with people individually and in a group and to "seek first to understand before you are understood" when confronted with differing views.
- Willing to prepare for and attend Board and committee meetings, ask questions, take responsibility and follow through on any given task or assignment.
- Possess: honesty, sensitivity to and tolerance of differing views, friendly responsive approach, personal integrity and a sense of humour
- Some knowledge of accounting principles and practices
- Record financial transactions, receive and deposit funds
- Receive and pay invoices for expenses
- Prepare Financial Statements for year ending Dec. 31
- Keep Board informed of financial position
- Prepare annual cost flow projection ( Budget) on a monthly basis for board planning
Communications Officer*
Term: Appointed by Directors at first meeting following the AMM for a 3 year term and can be renewed
Time Commitment: Ranges from a couple of hours per day to a couple of hours per week
Accountability: To the Board of Directors
Authority: Has no authority to approve actions by the NRCC, to direct staff or to speak on behalf of the NRCC unless given such authority by the Board.
Personal Characteristics to Consider
- Ability to listen, analyze, think clearly, work well with people individually and in a group and to "seek first to understand before you are understood" when confronted with differing views.
- Possess: honesty, sensitivity to and tolerance of differing views, friendly responsive approach, personal integrity and a sense of humour.
- Has good computer graphics and organizational skills
- Act as NRCC point of contact for Retriever Results
- Maintain the NRCC website for broad based communications, trial dates, trial results, premium lists, national information, writes the daily and end of national reports, takes photos of winner, finalists, random photos throughout the national and provides these to RFTN. Identifies the major sponsors in daily internet reports, and identifies the major sponsors in her various other write ups including banquet workers party, gallery photos. Write-ups of the banquet, workers party and daily reports should include specific names especially of the local club, members, workers, and judges etc.
- Communicate effectively with clubs across Canada
- Take official photos of finalists and the winner. These photos should include the NRCC official photo with the NRCC tablecloth/ perpetual trophy, winners trophy, winners rosette, winner trophy or prize from the host club and include a small Purina sign
- Work with Corporate Liaison Officer to ensure official winners photo is taken with the sign or banner provided by every major sponsor, as well as any items provided by the major sponsor to the winner. Provide these photos to the Corporate Liaison Officer so they may be included with the Thank You letter to each individual sponsor.
- Provide the winner's photo to the next year's host club for their inclusion on the next year's catalog.
Corporate Sponsor Liaison Officer*
Term: Appointed by the Board of Directors at the first Board of Directors meeting following the National Meeting. May be appointed for a further term.
Time Commitment: Variable from a few hours per week to several hours per week to no hours per week
Accountability: The Corporate Sponsor Liaison Officer is accountable to the Board of Directors of the National Retriever Club of Canada and all of its' members in all zones in Canada. The Corporate Sponsor Liaison Officer the Corporate Sponsor Liaison Officer's duties include maintaining strong communication with the Board, and the major sponsors.
- The Corporate Sponsor Liaison Officer will act in accordance with the By-Laws of the NRCC and with the policies as established by the NRCC.
- The Corporate Sponsor Liaison has the authority to negotiate on behalf of the NRCC with current major sponsors and potential new ones.
- The Corporate Sponsor Liaison has the authority to commit the NRCC and the Host club of a National to providing specific services for the sponsor before during and after the Nationals. These services include banquet tickets, workers party tickets, photos with the winner, display areas and installing advertising banners. Other items may be specified in each MOU
Personal Characteristics to Consider
- Must maintain a positive attitude
- Have strong negotiating skills
- NRCC Focal point for all major Corporate Sponsorship
- Solicit Corporate Sponsorship
- Develop contracts/agreements/ memorandums of understanding with Corporate Sponsors
- Review contracts/agreements/ memorandums of understanding annually
- Renew contracts/agreements/ memorandums of understanding annually to ensure continuity.
- Liaise with and assist Host Club Liaison Officer
- Ensure the Host club knows its obligations to the Corporate sponsors.
- Prepares and distributes the Contact information for the Host clubs and the corporate sponsors
- Works with the Club liaison to order the Sponsor materials and ensure on time delivery. This may include actually ordering materials from the various suppliers and managing delivery
- Works closely with the NRCC President to manage the Major sponsor of the NRCC ( Purina)
- Make every attempt to be attend each National.
- At each National ensure that the NRCC and the Host club fulfil their obligations to the corporate sponsors.
- Work with the Host Club to ensure banners and other advertising materials sent by the sponsors are installed properly and for the beat effect.
- At the conclusion of each National assist the Photographer in obtaining the necessary photographs of the winners.
Send Thank you letters, photos and a program to each of the Corporate Sponsors.
Meeting Protocols
Type of Meeting | Frequency/How/who Calls | Notice | Who can Attend | Quorum | Who votes | Votes to Govern |
Annual General Meeting | Annually 1-2 days prior to the commencement of and in a location near the National Open Stake.
If no National stake, the AMM will take place within 15 months of the previous AMM. Time, date and location to be determined by the Board |
21-60 days, notice by mail, courier, personal delivery, telephonic, or electronic | Members, non- members, directors, public accountant | 40 % of the members and or proxy delegates entitled to vote | All voting members in good standing or delegates with proxy in attendance | Majority of members or delegates with proxy in attendance |
Directors Meeting | As required. The president, vice-president or any director.
Usually one held immediately following the AMM |
10 days notice by mail, courier, personal delivery, telephonic, or electronic. | Duly elected directors and executive members of the Board
Specific invitees for presentation of information |
Majority of Directors | All Directors present | Majority of Directors present |
Special Meetings | President, the Board or any 3 directors
Or Written request of by 5 Voting Members |
10 days notice by mail, courier, personal delivery, telephonic, or electronic.
Include Topic for Discussion at meeting . Only this topic to be discussed |
Members, non- members, directors, public accountant | 40 % of the members and or proxy delegates entitled to vote | All voting members in good standing or delegates with proxy in attendance | Majority of members or delegates with proxy in attendance |
Responsibilities of a Delegate
As per the By-laws each member club shall appoint a delegate for the period of 1 year from Jan 1 to Dec 31.
The delegate will represent the Members' interests in all meetings including voting on any and all issues that arise from the business of the Board. This includes financials, election of officers, approval of National Judges, approval of National Host Clubs, election of directors for the Zone in which they reside or are representing. It is critical that the delegate vote on these matters in the interest of the club members that they represent and not just their own preferences. This should be done through consultation with their club members prior to any meetings or votes.
The Delegate is appointed using the Appointment of a Delegate form
Responsibilities of a Proxy
As per the By-Laws Section 4.07 " At any Meeting of members a proxy duly and sufficiently appointed by a member, shall be entitled to exercise, subject to any restrictions expressed in the instrument appointing them, the same voting rights that the member appointing them would be entitled to exercise if present at the meeting. An instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing for one meeting, unless revoked, and deposited with the Secretary of the Corporation before the commencement of the meeting."
- This proxy would only be needed if the Delegate who has been appointed by the member for a one year term cannot be present at a particular meeting.
- The person carrying the proxy must be a member in good standing of a Class A member club.
- The proxy representative may carry the proxy vote for up Three (3) members.
- The proxy representative must be familiar with the issues being voted on at the specific meeting and vote as the member delegate would have voted and not as their personal opinion. This may be a different vote for each member they are representing.
The Proxy is appointed using the Appointment of a Proxy form
Objective: Ensure NRCC Bylaws are documented and current to consistently remain in compliance with the NFP Act (2011).
- Committee appointed by Board of Directors (2 or 3) for a term of 3 years
- Annual review of Bylaws to ensure any changes made or proposed in NRCC operations are in compliance with the Bylaws.
- Periodic review (3 years) to ensure no changes to the NFP (2011) that the NRCC has not been made aware of.
- Changes are made to the Bylaws when necessary to reflect changes in the NFP (2011) and /or the NRCC operations.
- All changes in the Bylaws are presented at the AMM immediately following the change.
- All approved changes to the Bylaws are communicated to the NFP (2011)
- A standing committee is appointed / elected by the Board of Directors each year. Does not have to be a member of the Board of Directors
- The term is for 3 years with a change of one member each year. Committee members can be re-elected /appointed.
- All proposed changes in operations will be circulated to the committee for endorsement for compliance with bylaws.
Objective: Manage financial health of the NRCC through effective revenue generating projects and investments.
- Development of a financial plan based on the needs of the NRCC.
- Development of a short term and long term budget which forecasts all expenses.
- All financial activities that the NRCC is involved with are documented.
- Each financial activity that the NRCC is involved with is detailed in a step by step process outlining Management fees, Maturity date, accessibility of funds, rate of return, historical gains and losses.
- The NRCC continues to grow financially to support the Retriever sport.
- The Board of Directors to establish a committee to further develop goals and objectives of the Finance committee. The Committee will work closely with the Treasurer and be accountable to the Board of Directors
- Review and recommend to the Board of Directors the annual membership fees for the NRCC and NRCC share of National fees.
- Review, report and recommend Investments.
- Identify what investments are held by the NRCC, who holds them and where they are located.
- Ensure that the NRCC revenues ( i.e. club dues, donations from sponsors etc. ) are being managed in accordance with Revenue Canada laws pertaining to NFP organizations.
- Recommend an Auditor for year end.
- Continually look for new sources of revenue and develop plans for these ideas. i.e. bequests in wills,
- Continually look for new ways to add value to the benefits for members of the NRCC. i.e. discounts at car rentals, discounts at sports stores etc.
- Document Govt. grant money available in each province for Nationals and club projects. This process seems to change for Province to Province.
- These recommendations and review should be presented to the Board of Directors at least 2 X per year and to the AMM.
Host Club Selection Committee*
Objectives: Follow the planned schedule of Region and Zone for host clubs for the following year's National and Amateur. Identify the Region and Zone for host clubs for the following years.
- NRCC Board of Directors selects a Chairperson for the Selection Committee.
- Committee members will be selected by the Board of Directors or the Chairperson of the Committee. Members do not have to be Directors but can be members of Member Clubs in good standing.
- Committee members should include representatives from the planned zones for the following two years.
- Committee to the best of their availability will encourage proposals and review proposals from potential host clubs keeping in mind the guideline to have the east /west split each year. Exceptions to the process may be made by the Directors on the recommendation of the Committee.
- Chair of the Committee briefs all directors at Board of Directors meetings and/or e-mail. On at least a quarterly basis.
- At the AMM, Chair will make motion on the selection of host clubs for the following year.
As per the Guidelines; The general rule of thumb that has been used in the past to select sites for the National and the Amateur has been to have one of the Stakes west ( Western Zone) of the Manitoba /Ontario border and the other east (Eastern Zone of the Manitoba/Ontario border in any one year. The following year the stakes would be reversed. See the following table for examples of how the system is supposed to work. As per recommendations of the Committee Investigating the Future of National Events (2017), there shall only be 2 Zones and this shall create a 2 year rotation for hosting Nationals. These Zones shall be as follows so as to include all eight area's as laid out by the NRCC By-Laws.
West - British Columbia & Yukon, Alberta/NWT/NU, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba
East - Southern Ontario, Northern Ontario, Quebec, Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI
Current Rotation for National Retriever Championship
Year | National Amateur | National | ||||
Location | Zone | Scheduled Zone | Location | Actual Zone | Scheduled Zone | |
2025 2024 |
North Bay, ON |
East |
West East |
2023 | Comox Valley | West | West | |||
2022 | Combined with National hereafter | Port Rowan | East | East | ||
2021 | Cancelled | West | Brighton | East | East | |
2020 | Cancelled | East | Cancelled | West | ||
2019 | Keoma | West | West | Brighton | East | East |
2018 | North Bay | East | East | Red Deer | AB | West |
2017 | Mission | West | Central | Brighton | S. Ontario | S. Ontario |
2016 | Iron Bridge | East | S. Ontario | Saskatoon | Central | Central |
2015 | Balmoral | Central | West | Brighton | S. Ontario | East |
2014 | Kapuskasing | East | East | Strathmore | West | West |
2013 | Rowley | West | Central | Brighton | S. Ontario | S. Ontario |
2012 | Red Deer | West | S. Ontario | Iron Bridge | East | Central |
2011 | Ancaster | S. Ontario | West | Balmoral | Central | East |
2010 | North Bay | East | East | Merritt | West | West |
2009 | Regina | Central | Central | Brighton | S. Ontario | S. Ontario |
2008 | Brandon | Central | S. Ontario | Fredericton | East | Central |
2007 | Balmoral | Central | West | Iron Bridge | East | East |
2006 | Brighton | S. Ontario | East | Tofield | West | West |
2005 | Saskatoon | Central | Central | Port Rowan | S. Ontario | S. Ontario |
2004 | Lanark | S. Ontario | S. Ontario | Balmoral | Central | Central |
2003 | Logan Lake | West | West | North Bay | East | East |
2002 | Balmoral | Central | East | Strathmore | West | West |
2001 | Bradwell | Central | Central | Logan Lake | West | S. Ontario |
2000 | Orangeville | S. Ontario | S. Ontario | Brandon | Central | Central |
The actual does not always follow the planned as intended. The East West split was followed as planned. In most cases it falls to the club willing to host. It is critical that we continue to have one of the stakes in Western Canada and the other in Eastern Canada each year. The clubs in the scheduled zones should be encouraged to host. Unfortunately, not all clubs can host and in most if not all cases they cannot host without the support of the all clubs within their zone. This has generally been happening for the last few years.
National Judge Selection Committee and Process
Objective: To ensure a judges panel is in place and approved by the Board of Directors the year prior to the National and the Amateur
Process: NRCC Board of Directors to select a chairperson to head up the Judges Selection Committee to enact the following selection process
Basic Qualifications Criteria
- Must have judged at least five (5) Licensed All-Age stakes within the past 5 years.
- Must be presently active in field trial game as evidenced by the handling a dog in the All-Age within the past five (5) years.
- Overall experience and active involvement in the sport.
- Must have attended and participated in a National or National Amateur as a handler, part of the organizing committee, or assisting in the actual event.
- Must be a member in good standing of the Canadian Kennel Club. May be an American as long as other criteria are met. Only one American in judges' panel.
- Must be an amateur
Selection Criteria
- Three Judges will be named for each Stake.
- National and National Amateur judges selection will consist of 2 judges not from the host zone and 1 judge from the host zone
- Names of qualified Judges from the zones will be submitted to the Judges Selection Committee by member clubs using the National Judge Selection Ballot or the National Amateur Judge Selection Ballot. If there is no Judges Selection Committee, the selected judges shall be submitted to the President and NRCC Secretary.
- The Judges selection committee will
- Review all nominations to ensure compliance with the Qualification criteria
- Consider the nominations and select their preferred judge primarily based on the number of clubs supporting the nomination.
- Select the best panel in their opinion for the National Amateur and the National.
- Present to Board of Directors at a Board of Directors meeting prior to AMM.
- Approval or change by Board of Directors
- Announce Judges at AMM
The following table indicates possible scenarios when exceptions must be made;
Situation | Recommended Actions |
Selection committee cannot find approved judges from each zone | 1. Examine potential people from other zones trying to ensure no more than one judge from each zone.
2. If no other person available and a qualified person is available from Host zone and host zone clubs support, select as Judge. 3. Selection Committee Responsible |
Judge asks to be excused immediately after accepting | 1. Examine potential people from other zones trying to ensure no more than one judge from each zone.
2. If no other person available and a qualified person is available from Host zone and host zone clubs support, select as Judge. 3. Selection Committee Responsible |
Judge asks to be excused within 6 months of stake | 1. Examine potential people from other zones immediately trying to ensure no more than one judge from each zone.
2. If no other person available and a qualified person is available from Host zone and host zone clubs support, select as Judge. 3. Selection Committee and Host Club Director Responsible |
Judge is forced to withdraw within one month of stake | 1. First Choice - In consultation with the Zone's Directors, select a qualified judge from the same Zone as the judge being replaced.
2. Second Choice - In consultation with the Zone's Directors, select a qualified judge from the Host Club's Zone. 3. Third Choice - In consultation with the Zone's Directors, select a qualified judge from the remaining Zone which most recently hosted the event. 4. Fourth Choice - In consultation with the Zone's Directors, select a qualified judge from the last Zone. |
Judge is forced to withdraw after the start of the stake | The stake will continue with two judges and the documentation from the withdrawn judge for as far as he was judging for consideration in final evaluation. |
Committee to Review Guidelines to Host Nationals
Objective: To ensure the "Guidelines to Host Nationals" manual is current and represents best practices for our events.
Goal: Review the "Guidelines to Host Nationals" manual regularly to ensure it continues to be a useful tool for host clubs to use. The approved Guidelines will be re published as needed.
- Assign Director or other approved member of NRCC to keep Guidelines current.
- One time only Review of complete document to ensure practices are current from last revision
- Following each National and Amateur have the host club provide comments on what worked well and what didn't work so well as outlined in Guidelines.
- Make changes/additions/upgrades to Guidelines as per comments received.
- Review recommendations annually with directors
Publish approved revised Guidelines on NRCC web.
Recommendations by the Committee Investigating the Future of National Events (April 27 2017)
- The responses to the survey did not indicate a clear consensus on the questions of whether to hold a combined National event or to continue to hold both a National and a National Amateur the committee has decided to recommend that the Board should continue to maintain the status quo and attempt to hold both events within the present format. The committee does however recommend that should there not be 2 Host clubs in place by the Annual Meeting held generally in Mid September, then the board needs to contract with a single host club to hold a Combined Event the following year. This event will be considered a onetime occurrence and the NRCC board will then continue to hold two separate events if and when possible. The combined event will only be used as an option when necessary. Clubs considering and or applying to host a National Event need to be pre warned that this outcome is a possibility.
- The committee recommends that at no time does the NRCC become the host club. We feel this is the responsibility of the Member Clubs and as such they must find a host for the events. This does not preclude that members of the Board of Directors cannot step in and assist in any way possible in the hosting of a national.
- The Survey results show that 65% are in favour of changing the number of zones. So the Committee recommends that the BOD approve the change to 2 Zones
- Western Zone This zone will be made up of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba.
- Eastern Zone This zone will be made up of Southern Ontario along with Northern Ontario , Quebec and the Maritime Provinces.
- The changes to zones also requires a change in how judges shall be selected. National and National Amateur judges selection will consist of 2 judges from the host zone and 1 judge from the other zone If a zone is unable to provide a judge then the BOD will be tasked with appointing a judge.
- The survey shows that a large majority feel that due to rising costs of hosting a National Event that the host club should be able to dispense with traditional items during the National Event week to cut expenses if they find it necessary. The committee endorses this recommendation and the Board of Directors approves.
- Another item that the survey shows is favoured, involves the NRCC charging the member clubs $5.00 for every dog that competes in each All Aged Stake that they hold. The committee endorses this recommendation and the Board of Directors approves.
- The committee also recommends that the set standards for dogs to Qualify to run a National Event remain as they are. One change that we feel is necessary is to incorporate the rule allowing for a qualification period of the current year and the previous calendar year for the National. The Board of directors approved this recommendation (August 14, 2017) We can now proceed with the necessary rule changes through the CKC Retriever Council.
8. The survey results show that the National Open Event should remain being held in or around September. The National Amateur Event did not have a definite result so we recommend that this event should be held on the dates as always. Should we ever hold a combined event the results favour holding this in September.
Recommendations for Hosting a Combined National (April 27 2017)
- The National format is to remain the same with two Nationals, the National Amateur in July and the National in September when there are two host clubs in the appointed host zones. If there is only one host club that submits an application to host National events in a year, then that club will host a combined National Amateur and National in September.
- The NRCC will require applications to host National events from clubs by July 1 of the year prior to the National year to award Nationals.
- If no club from the scheduled host zone has submitted an application to host National events by July 1st of the year prior to the National year, applications to host National events will be accepted from clubs in all other zones until the Annual General Meeting, held normally in Mid-September of the year prior to the National year.
- If there is only one host club that submits an application to host a National event in a given year, then that club will be contracted to host a combined National Amateur and National in September. For a combined National, there will be two titles awarded: National Champion and National Amateur Champion. Both titles may be awarded to the same dog when handled by an Amateur. If there is no Amateur handler that finishes the 10th series, then judges will not select a National Amateur winner and no National Amateur title shall be awarded for that year.
- If no host club has been selected, then the Executive of the NRCC shall be tasked with recruiting a suitable host club.
- National and National Amateur judges selection will consist of 2 judges from the host zone and 1 judge from the other zone. In the event of a combined National, the National judges selected will judge the combined National.
- If at least 3 judges are not selected, then the Executive of the NRCC shall be tasked to recruit the desired number of judges.