It’s heartbreaking to hear about the passing of Dona Martin. Her contributions to the Field Trial community have left a lasting impact. From her role as the NRCC Communications Officer to her dedication to maintaining and developing the NRCC website, she has truly made a difference.

When Dona became the Secretary/Treasurer for the NRCC, a position she held for several years, Presidents and Directors alike, relied on her unfailing ability to remember details and decisions that took place.  She was the “go-to” source for information.

Dona was active in the Ottawa Retriever Club, Eastern Ontario Retriever Club, and was currently an NRCC Director for Ontario.

Dona’s love for Retriever Field Trials will be remembered by many in Canada and the United States.

Our sincere condolences to Donald, her partner, and her life.

Gone far too soon……

The NRCC Directors & Executive