2024 National Retriever Championship Running Order

The Running Order for the 2024 National Retriever Championship has been posted.

View it on the NRCC Running Order & Call Backs web page.

The starting dog will be determined by draw at the banquet on Saturday, September 14th.

Good luck everyone!

New FTCH AFTCH Baypoint’s Mighty Tarnation QAA

📣📣📣Special announcement!!

Winnipeg Field Trial Club would like to congratulate our member Larry Baker on his weekend of success!

Not only was he awarded Dog of the Year with “Mace” from the Delta Retriever Club, but him and Tar are now…..

FTCH AFTCH Baypoint’s Mighty Tarnation QAA!!

Congratulations on your new champion title!


150 Dogs Qualified for the National!

We hit the benchmark of 150 dogs qualified for the National Retriever Championship in North Bay, ON Sept 15-21!

Are you qualified?  Are you going?  Get your entry in and here's what you need to know or go to the 2024 National page on the website for full details.

What you need to know:

  • Entries close 6:00pm PDT Monday, September 2, 2024
  • Please fill in entry form online (above) or use link:  https://nrcc-canada.ca/2024-premium/
  • Banquet is on Saturday, September 14. Tickets are to be purchased in advance with your entry by Sept 2.
  • Workers’ Party on Wednesday, September 18 is free to everyone.
  • Entrants will receive a black handler jacket for each dog entered. Please select your jacket size with your entry form. Jacket sizes will be on a first come first served basis.
  • Vet Check will take place from 2:00pm-3:00pm Saturday, September 14 at headquarters.
  • An information book is available on the 2024 National page to help you plan your stay.
  • Questions? Contact:

Good luck and see you there!

Celebration of Life, Dona Martin

Celebration of Life: Dona Martin

Date: August 17th  2 pm


Location: Martin's Residence, 216 Carley 's Corners, Merrickville, Ontario.

We are asking that for those who would like to attend to RSVP  to Jim Ling, 613-849-4801 or jim_ling101@sympatico.ca by August 15 to confirm numbers. For those who have RV's please confirm such that appropriate parking can be arranged for over night accommodation.  Bring your dogs!

Remembering Dona Martin, an icon of our Field Trial community

It's heartbreaking to hear about the passing of Dona Martin. Her contributions to the Field Trial community have left a lasting impact. From her role as the NRCC Communications Officer to her dedication to maintaining and developing the NRCC website, she has truly made a difference.

When Dona became the Secretary/Treasurer for the NRCC, a position she held for several years, Presidents and Directors alike, relied on her unfailing ability to remember details and decisions that took place.  She was the "go-to" source for information.

Dona was active in the Ottawa Retriever Club, Eastern Ontario Retriever Club, and was currently an NRCC Director for Ontario.

Dona's love for Retriever Field Trials will be remembered by many in Canada and the United States.

Our sincere condolences to Donald, her partner, and her life.

Gone far too soon......

The NRCC Directors & Executive

2024 National Retriever Championship Premium List

The NRCC and the North Bay & District Retriever Training Club are excited to release the 2024 National Retriever Championship Premium List!

The official entry form and banquet ticket order form are available online this year.

We look forward to seeing you in North Bay!

View the 2024 National Retriever Championship Premium List here or view the flip-book below.


Aka “Dealer”
Sometimes it’s the race that’s important…. not how you finish.
Dealer is my first field trial dog. I started with a working certificate dog, then had a hunt test dog, then came Dealer, and boy was he a handful (as many of my training peeps got to witness 1st hand). I often have said that maybe if he had a different owner then maybe he would have gotten that last missing blue ribbon or that ever so coveted AFTCH but I think if you asked him he would just say “less yappin more throwin!”
As for me I learned so much from him. He always came to the mat wagging his tail and wanting more no matter what. (it wasn’t always that nice pretty heel to line J )
In 2020 I was diagnosed with PTSD after 20 years of being a 911 police dispatcher. It had taken its toll mentally. I was told (by my psychologist) that I had to do something to bring some enjoyment back into my life. I looked at Dealer who thankfully was in great shape and he said, “you throw it il get it” and I brought him out of retirement at 9yrs old. I got him qualified and ran we ran one more national when he was 10years old!
This is a great sport and a great community…sometimes it’s not about the title or the ribbons… but the people and dogs you meet along the way. Life is short. Be good to one another. To all the competitors…best of luck and enjoy the ride no matter how far you go.
Karen Carson & Dealer

Are you ready to cross the border on August 1?

The CDC has been responsive to the input from many organizations and government and has relaxed and streamlined the process for crossing the border as of August 1.   Dogs from low-risk rabies countries such as Canada, are now required to have proof of vaccination, be microchipped, and owners (consignors) are required to complete an online Dog Import form.   The 6 month age limit is still in place, however organizations and government are still working to have that age limit reduced.


NRCC Secretary Job Posting

Job Posting:  Secretary, NRCC

The National Retriever Club of Canada is seeking a Secretary to the Board of Directors for a two year term.  

The National Retriever Club of Canada (NRCC) is a corporation registered under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act and member of the Canadian Kennel Club.  The mission of the corporation is: To promote, facilitate and further the interests of the National Retriever Championship stake and the National Amateur Retriever Championship stake, purebred retrievers and the retriever field trial sport in Canada.

If you are familiar with Retriever Trials, have administrative experience, enjoy working with others, including  Board of Directors, Member Clubs, and outside agencies, we want  to hear from you!

Please review the Job Description and send us (the Board Executive) your application letter outlining your experience, including administrative experience and technical skills

Successful candidates will be interviewed by the Board Executive. 

Email application letter to:  executive@nrcc-canada.com

Job Description:   NRCC Secretary

Reporting to the President, the Secretary provides coordination and communication between members, the Board, and outside agencies. 

The Secretary works closely with the NRCC Executive, Treasurer, Directors, Host Club, and Web Administrator.   The workload fluctuates during the year, however averages approximately 8 - 10 hours per month. 

Key areas of responsibilities include:

  • Membership – maintain list of contact information for club executives, field trial secretaries, and delegates; communicate annual renewal and notices to member clubs.
  • Meetings – schedule, prepare agendas and take minutes for all executive, standing committees, directors, and annual members meeting; approximately 10 meetings per year.
  • Send annual notification for Director and National judge nominations. 
  • Forms & Filings – file Corporate Canada Annual return, CKC membership and directors update, Top Retriever statistics are sent to CKCat the end of the calendar year, and work with the Web Administrator to ensure all website forms and links are up to date.
  • Administration – maintain correspondence, and documents on the NRCC Shared Google Drive.
  • Insurance – ensure NRCC General Liability and Directors & Officers insurance is renewed annually with appropriate named or additional insured added (ie Purina).
  • Sponsor Recognition – on April 1 of each year, prepare the new sponsor catalogue insert for Field Trial Secretaries and Canuck Dogs.
  • National Retriever Championship – work closely with the National Committee and Host Club to prepare event and judges’ applications, order pins, ribbons, and trophies, and post-event forms. 
  • Technical Skills – the Secretary will have good computer skills and be comfortable with Microsoft and Google software.  The NRCC uses Google Shared Drive, Gmail, Calendar, Zoom, and Adobe.


Honorarium: TBD (under review)


Work Environment:  The position requires the ability to work remotely (with reliable internet) across all time zones and supply their own desktop computer or laptop.

Year at a glance:

January February March April May June July August September October November December
Annual Members Meeting Directors Meeting Directors Meeting Directors Meeting Director Meeting
Committee meetings Committee meetings
Prepare judges’ acceptance letters Distribute Sponsor recognition insert Order pins, trophies, ribbons, etc for National National Event National Event Application National Judge Panel Application Follow up with CKC re: event /judge application
CKC Directors update (form) Send Directors Nomination forms to member clubs (follow  month end) AMM Notice to member clubs Member renewal notice
Certificate of insurance to named insureds (Purina, etc) Corporate Canada filing D & 0 Insurance renewal Send National Judge Nomination forms to member clubs (follow  month end) Send Proxy & Delegate forms to member clubs Renew General Liability Insurance
Top Retrievers to CKC



New FTCH-AFTCH “Rainey”

We are pleased to announce that with her Open win at York Retriever Field Trial Club our Rainey is now FTCH AFTCH Davadar’s Mother Of The Blues.

Darlene & David Broomhead

CDC Importation Rules – Impact on Canadian Breeders

The National Retriever Club of Canada strongly encourages the Field Trial community to
support our valued sponsors. Our extra effort is especially important when
circumstances change, and businesses encounter unexpected challenges.

Case in point, at the present time, is the recently announced regulation changes by the
U.S. CDC to their dog importation rules. While these rules may have some affect on
some of you as competitors, the major impact will be on the Canadian Breeders such as
our sponsor Club Mead Labradors, and their ability to export puppies to their U.S. customers. While
the CDC decision may not be swayed by a few Field Trial enthusiasts we can have an
impact at the local level. Make people aware of the situation being encountered and
wherever possible encourage them to Buy Local, Buy Canadian.

We recognize that there has been some movement and change to the regulations as
originally announced. On June 5 th some points were relaxed, which gives us hope that
further changes will be agreed to, albeit it may take some time. We support the efforts of
both CKC and CFIA to bring about further modifications.

On behalf of the NRCC Executive,

Doug Shepherd,


New FTCH and AFTCH Titles

Many dogs and handlers are off to a great start so far this year earning new FTCH and AFTCH titles!  Scoll through the lists below to see who’s earned what.

Congratulations to this weekends title earners – Ron Bischke & Bulrush Budlight of Nighthaven, and Scott Anderson & Razor’s NX Generation!

If you have a milestone to share send us a note and a picture – Click Here