The Retriever Results data entry system allows you to:

  • Define your field trial stakes
  • Enter dogs in the stakes
  • Create running orders
  • Export data to create your catalogue and callback sheets
  • Report results

Getting started

  1. Create a working folder on your computer in which to save all your files, such as LFT. LFT folder is referenced throughout the rest of the instructions
  2. Click on Reporting System on the NRCC website.
  3. Login using your email address and password ft@nrcc.
  4. Only events that you are listed as the FT Secretary will appear. Note:Instructions appear at the top of every page to assist you in navigation.
  5. Click on the Edit Event Information icon to verify that the stakes and dates correspond to your event. Edit as necessary.
  6. Click Save at the bottom of the page to return to the List of Events page.

Entering dogs

  1. From the List of Eventspage, click on your event to add dogs.
  2. Select the Stakefrom the dropdown list.
  3. Click on the paw icon to Adddogs to this stake.
  4. Type the dog’s CKC number.
    If the dog exists in the database you can select it. All of the dog and owner information will automatically appear.
    If the CKC number is not found, or if you don’t know the CKC number, proceed to the next step and begin typing the registered name.
  5. Verify pre-populated fields. If any information needs to be changed Click on the Send an email to the NRCC button.
    The dog information cannot be edited. If any information is missing or incorrect, only the NRCC can change it.
  6. Click Next: Add handler
  7. Begin typing the name of the handler and select from the dropdown. Only one namecan be selected as the Handler. Most importantly, indicate if the handler is a P=Pro or A=Amateur.
  8. Depending on what you want to do next, either Click Save-> Add another dogor Save-> View dogs entered.
  9. Dogs can also be added from the List of Events page by clicking on Add Dogs, found above the table.

Setting your running order

  1. From the List of Dogs, Handlers, Results page, select the stake you want to create or regenerate the running order.
  2. Click on the Create/Regenerate Running Order command found above the table. This can be redone if you wish to change. You can also manully adjust the running order.
  3. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Exporting the data to create your catalog and callback sheets.

  1. From the List of Dogs, Handlers, Results page, select the stake you want to export data.
  2. Click on the Export, found above the table.
  3. You will be prompted to Open, Save or Cancel. Choose Open.
  4. The file should open in MS Excel.
  5. Select Save As – Excel 97-203 Workbook.
  6. Browse to find your LFT folder you created so you can save the file to that folder. Use the default name, for example Op1.xls. You will need to do this for each stake.

Important: If you need to enter a dog after you have posted your running order, DO NOT click Create/Regenerate Running Order. Simply add the dog to the stake and manually type the Running Order number for that dog. You can then click RunOrder in the Header row to sort the list numerically. You will need to re-Export the stake for your catalog. If you click Create/Regenerate Running Order, you will scramble the published Running Order.

Creating your catalog and callback sheets

Three template files have been created for you to use to create your catalog, catalog pages, callback pages / marshal’s sheets. Using the templates provided is just a convenience to make production of your catalog easier. You can choose to use your own customized files and you may also opt not to create callback pages / marshal’s sheets and just produce your catalog.

  1. Click on each template file (Catalog.docstake.docstake-callbacks.doc) and choose Save.
  2. When download is complete, click Open.
  3. Click Save As Word 97-2003 Document and browse to place the file into your LFT folder.
  4. When all template files have been saved to your LFT folder, Browse to and Open your LFT folder.
  5. Double click on Stake.doc to Open.
  6. Select the Mailings tab, then Start Mail Merge – Step-by-step Mail Merge Wizard.
  7. Next the Mail Merge Dialog box will appear. Select Browse to associate your Word file with your Excel file
  1. Open your LFT folder in the left hand column. Select the Excel file you want to merge to ie. Op1.xls and click Open.
  2. Click OK in the next 2 dialog boxes that open.
  3. Your file will open with a lot of text that probably doesn’t mean much to you.
  4. Select the Mailings tab if you aren’t already there, and click Preview Results. You will now see the entries for Open 1 if that is the stake you are creating catalog pages for.
  5. Double click in the Header and type the stake Name and Date, as indicated.
  6. Review Dog Names and reduce the font size if text wraps to a 2nd line. Delete any blank records. Be careful not to delete more lines than are necessary.
  7. Click Save As Word 97-2003 Document with the name of the stake you are processing ie. Op1.doc.
  8. Close the file.
  9. Repeat steps 3 through 13 with Stake Callbacks.doc remembering to include the word callbacks in the file name for each stake.
  10. After you have exported all of your stakes to Excel files in the LFT folder on your computer, you are now ready to create the remainder of your catalog pages, callback pages / marshal’s sheets.
  11. Repeat steps 3 through 13 with Stake Callbacks.doc remembering to include the word callbacks in the file name for each stake.

Assembling your catalog

There are a number of ways to assemble your catalog.

  • If you have Adobe Acrobat Professional (not Reader) you can create PDF files from each of the stake Word files and assemble them using Adobe Acrobat
  • You can print each Word file individually and assemble hardcopies
  • You can assemble all of the individual Word files into one Word file, create a PDF and print the entire catalog. This is the most complicated process and requires some expertise in Word to deal with changing between 1 to 2 column pages, and section specific Headers. If you opt to assemble all of your files into 1 Word file, Catalog.doc gives you a starting point.
    • You will need to disassociate each stake specific Word file from it’s stake Excel file.
    • Open one file at a time and type (Ctrl+Shift+F9)
    • Save As with a new name, such as Final Op1.doc etc. and Close file.
    • Repeat for each stake.
    • With the Catalog file already open, you are now ready to assemble your files. Open each stake file in the order you want it to appear in your catalog.
    • Type (Ctrl+A) to select all and Copy.
    • Go to the end of the Catalog file and Select Paste Special.
    • In the Paste Special Dialog box, select Formatted Text (RTF)
  • Click OK.
  • Save your file
  • Repeat steps 5 to 10.

Reporting results

  1. From the List of Events page, click on your club name. This will take you to the List of Dogs, Handlers, Results page.
  2. Select the stake for which you want to report results.
  3. The Results column at the right side, allows you to Select 1, 2, 3, 4, RCM, CM, SCR (Scratch), or DNF (Did Not Finish). DNF is the default. Don’t forget to click Save at the bottom of the page.
  4. Send a quick email to to let us know it’s done, so your results can be posted on the NRCC and Retriever Results websites.

Download info as a PDF